United and dedicated by a common goal: to be exceptional in everything we do for our clients!

Our Story

What We Offer

Tailored solutions to maximize your potential

Career Planning

We provide expert guidance and negotiation support to help our clients plan and navigate their football careers.

Endorsement and Marketing Advice

Our experienced team offers valuable advice and assistance in securing endorsement deals and maximizing marketing opportunities.

Medical, Juridical, and Financial Consultation

We have a dedicated player services team to support our clients with their lifestyle needs off the field.

Media and lifestyle management

We have a dedicated player services team to support our clients with their lifestyle needs off the field.

Why Choose NEAA

Unlock your full potential with our unrivaled services and industry connections.

Men Playing Football

Maximizing Potential

We believe in maximizing an athlete’s full potential by providing individual dedication and support from a qualified and skilled team.

Trusted Connections

Our extensive network allows us to connect our clients with the right brands and opportunities to create mutually beneficial partnerships.

Join the New Era

Experience the exceptional support and opportunities NEAA offers. Take the first step towards success today.

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